
Food and Drink in Spanish

To improve your language skills in Spanish, learning vocabulary related to food and drink is essential. This will allow you to confidently order at restaurants, shop at markets, and participate in conversations about cuisine. Our class offers a step-by-step guide to learning essential Spanish food and drink vocabulary.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for food and drink items. This list will help you get started:

  • Food
  • La comida
  • (lah koh-MEE-dah)

  • Drink
  • La bebida
  • (lah beh-BEE-dah)

  • Breakfast
  • El desayuno
  • (el deh-sah-YOO-noh)

  • Lunch
  • El almuerzo
  • (el ahl-MWEHR-soh)

  • Dinner
  • La cena
  • (lah SEH-nah)

  • Snack
  • La merienda
  • (lah meh-RYEHN-dah)

  • Water
  • El agua
  • (el AH-gwah)

  • Coffee
  • El café
  • (el kah-FEH)

  • Tea
  • El té
  • (el TEH)

  • Juice
  • El jugo / El zumo
  • (el HOO-goh / el SOO-moh)

  • Milk
  • La leche
  • (lah LEH-cheh)

  • Bread
  • El pan
  • (el PAHN)

  • Rice
  • El arroz
  • (el ahr-ROHS)

  • Pasta
  • La pasta
  • (lah PAHS-tah)

  • Meat
  • La carne
  • (lah KAHR-neh)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your knowledge of food and beverages by familiarizing yourself with cooking, dining, and other relevant terms. This will let you have more interesting conversations about cuisine and culinary experiences.


  • To cook
  • Cocinar
  • (koh-see-NAHR)

  • To bake
  • Hornear
  • (or-neh-AHR)

  • To fry
  • Freír
  • (fray-EER)

  • To boil
  • Hervir
  • (ehr-VEER)

  • To roast
  • Asar
  • (ah-SAHR)


  • Restaurant
  • El restaurante
  • (el res-tau-RAHN-teh)

  • Menu
  • El menú
  • (el meh-NOO)

  • Bill
  • La cuenta
  • (lah KWEHN-tah)

  • Tip
  • La propina
  • (lah proh-PEE-nah)

  • Reservation
  • La reserva
  • (lah reh-SEHR-vah)

Other related terms:

  • Sweet
  • Dulce
  • (DOOL-seh)

  • Salty
  • Salado
  • (sah-LAH-doh)

  • Spicy
  • Picante
  • (pee-KAHN-teh)

  • Bitter
  • Amargo
  • (ah-MAHR-goh)

  • Sour
  • Ácido
  • (AH-see-doh)

To achieve fluency in Spanish, it’s crucial to grasp food and drink-related vocabulary. This guide provided a detailed process to help you learn and practice these words contextually while expanding your knowledge with related terms. Click on the button below to access a complete Spanish food and drink vocabulary list, complete with audio.

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