
Money and Finance in Spanish

To improve your Spanish language skills, learning vocabulary related to money and finance is essential. This knowledge will allow you to discuss prices, make transactions, and participate in financial discussions. Our class offers a step-by-step guide to help you learn essential Spanish vocabulary related to money and finance.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for money and finance-related terms. This list will help you get started:

  • Money
  • El dinero
  • (el dee-NEH-roh)

  • Coin / Currency
  • La moneda
  • (lah moh-NEH-dah)

  • Banknote / Bill
  • El billete
  • (el bee-YEH-teh)

  • Price
  • El precio
  • (el PREH-syoh)

  • Account / Bill
  • La cuenta
  • (lah KWEHN-tah)

  • ATM
  • El cajero automático
  • (el kah-HEH-roh ow-toh-MAH-tee-koh)

  • Credit card
  • La tarjeta de crédito
  • (lah tar-HEH-tah deh KREH-dee-toh)

  • Debit card
  • La tarjeta de débito
  • (lah tar-HEH-tah deh DEH-bee-toh)

  • Loan
  • El préstamo
  • (el PRES-tah-moh)

  • Interest
  • El interés
  • (el een-teh-REHS)

  • Savings
  • El ahorro
  • (el ah-OH-roh)

  • Investment
  • La inversión
  • (lah een-behr-see-OHN)

  • Tax
  • El impuesto
  • (el eem-PWEHS-toh)

  • Expense
  • El gasto
  • (el GAHS-toh)

  • Invoice
  • La factura
  • (lah fak-TOO-rah)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your understanding of financial matters by familiarizing yourself with vocabulary related to transactions, banking, and other relevant terms. This will enable you to have more meaningful conversations about money and finance.


  • To buy
  • Comprar
  • (kohm-PRAHR)

  • To sell
  • Vender
  • (BEHN-dehr)

  • To spend
  • Gastar
  • (GAHS-tahr)

  • To save
  • Ahorrar
  • (ah-oh-RAHR)

  • To pay
  • Pagar
  • (pah-GAHR)


  • Bank
  • El banco
  • (el BAHN-koh)

  • Checking account
  • La cuenta corriente
  • (lah KWEHN-tah koh-ryehn-teh)

  • Savings account
  • La cuenta de ahorros
  • (lah KWEHN-tah deh ah-OH-rohs)

  • Bank transfer
  • La transferencia bancaria
  • (lah trahns-feh-REHN-syah bahn-KAH-ryah)

  • Deposit
  • El depósito
  • (el deh-poh-SEE-toh)

Other related terms:

  • Salary
  • El salario
  • (el sah-LAH-ryoh)

  • Wage
  • El sueldo
  • (el SWEHL-doh)

  • Budget
  • El presupuesto
  • (el preh-soo-PWEHS-toh)

  • Debt
  • La deuda
  • (lah DWEH-dah)

  • Exchange rate
  • La tasa de cambio
  • (lah TAH-sah deh KAHM-byoh)

Becoming fluent in Spanish includes learning vocabulary related to money and finance. This guide offered steps to help you become familiar with these words, practice them in context and expand your vocabulary with related terms. To access a complete Spanish money and finance vocabulary list with audio, tap the button below.

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