
Personality Vocabulary in Spanish

Acquiring the vocabulary associated with personality in Spanish is crucial in enhancing your language proficiency. It equips you to describe yourself and others, discuss preferences and participate in conversations regarding character traits. Our class offers a comprehensive approach to learning fundamental Spanish vocabulary about personality traits.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for personality traits. This list will help you get started:

  • Friendly
  • Amable
  • (ah-MAH-bleh)

  • Nice
  • Simpático / Simpática
  • (sim-PAH-tee-koh / sim-PAH-tee-kah)

  • Shy
  • Tímido / Tímida
  • (TEE-mee-doh / TEE-mee-dah)

  • Outgoing
  • Extrovertido / Extrovertida
  • (eks-troh-vehr-TEE-doh / eks-troh-vehr-TEE-dah)

  • Introverted
  • Introvertido / Introvertida
  • (een-troh-vehr-TEE-doh / een-troh-vehr-TEE-dah)

  • Hardworking
  • Trabajador / Trabajadora
  • (trah-bah-hah-DOHR / trah-bah-hah-DOH-rah)

  • Lazy
  • Perezoso / Perezosa
  • (peh-REH-soh-soh / peh-REH-soh-sah)

  • Creative
  • Creativo / Creativa
  • (kree-ah-TEE-voh / kree-ah-TEE-vah)

  • Intelligent
  • Inteligente
  • (een-teh-lee-HEN-teh)

  • Fun
  • Divertido / Divertida
  • (dee-behr-TEE-doh / dee-behr-TEE-dah)

  • Boring
  • Aburrido / Aburrida
  • (ah-boo-REE-doh / ah-boo-REE-dah)

  • Generous
  • Generoso / Generosa
  • (heh-neh-ROH-soh / heh-neh-ROH-sah)

  • Selfish
  • Egoísta
  • (eh-goh-EE-stah)

  • Serious
  • Serio / Seria
  • (SEH-ree-oh / SEH-ree-ah)

  • Cheerful
  • Alegre
  • (ah-LEH-greh)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your vocabulary of personal traits by familiarizing yourself with words related to emotions, preferences, and other related terms. This will let you have more interesting conversations about personality traits and emotions.


  • Happy
  • Feliz
  • (feh-lees)

  • Sad
  • Triste
  • (tree-steh)

  • Angry
  • Enojado / Enojada
  • (eh-noh-hah-doh / eh-noh-hah-dah)

  • Surprised
  • Sorprendido / Sorprendida
  • (sohr-prehn-dee-doh / sohr-prehn-dee-dah)

  • Worried
  • Preocupado / Preocupada
  • (preh-oh-koo-pah-doh / preh-oh-koo-pah-dah)


  • Like
  • Gustar
  • (goos-tahr)

  • Dislike
  • Disgustar
  • (dees-goos-tahr)

  • Prefer
  • Preferir
  • (preh-feh-reer)

  • Interested
  • Interesar
  • (een-teh-reh-sahr)

Other related terms:

  • Personality
  • La personalidad
  • (lah pehr-soh-nah-LEE-dahd)

  • Character
  • El carácter
  • (el kahr-AK-tehr)

  • Behavior
  • El comportamiento
  • (el kom-por-tah-MYEHN-toh)

  • Attitude
  • La actitud
  • (lah ahk-tee-TUHD)

To achieve fluency in Spanish, learning vocabulary related to personality is essential. This guide provides steps to help you become familiar with these words, practice them in context, and expand your vocabulary with related terms. To access a complete Spanish vocabulary list regarding personality, tap the button below.

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