
School Vocabulary in Spanish

Learning school-related vocabulary is crucial when studying Spanish. This guide will take you through a step-by-step process to learn the necessary Spanish vocabulary related to school. With these words under your belt, you’ll easily converse about different school subjects, materials, and activities in Spanish.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for school. This list will help you get started:

  • School
  • La escuela
  • (lah ess-KWEH-lah)

  • School (K-12) / High school
  • El colegio
  • (el koh-LEH-hee-oh)

  • University / College
  • La universidad
  • (lah oo-nee-behr-see-DAHD)

  • Teacher
  • El profesor / La profesora
  • (el proh-feh-SOR / lah proh-feh-SOH-rah)

  • Student
  • El alumno / La alumna
  • (el ah-LOO-mnoh / lah ah-LOO-mnah)

  • Class
  • La clase
  • (lah KLAH-seh)

  • Subject
  • La asignatura / La materia
  • (lah ah-seeg-nah-TOO-rah / lah mah-TEH-ree-ah)

  • Classroom
  • El aula
  • (el OW-lah)

  • Schedule
  • El horario
  • (el oh-RAH-ree-oh)

  • Homework
  • La tarea / Los deberes
  • (lah tah-REH-ah / lohs deh-BEH-res)

  • Exam / Test
  • El examen
  • (el ehk-SAH-men)

  • Grade
  • La nota
  • (lah NOH-tah)

  • Recess / Break
  • El recreo
  • (el reh-KREH-oh)

  • Backpack
  • La mochila
  • (lah moh-CHEE-lah)

  • Book
  • El libro
  • (el LEE-broh)

Learn related vocabulary

You can enhance your school vocabulary by familiarizing yourself with words related to school subjects, materials, and other related terms. Doing so will enable you to communicate more precisely about different aspects of your school experience.

School subjects

  • Math
  • Matemáticas
  • (mah-teh-MAH-tee-kas)

  • Science
  • Ciencias
  • (see-EHN-see-ahs)

  • Biology
  • Biología
  • (bee-oh-loh-HEE-ah)

  • Chemistry
  • Química
  • (kee-MEE-kah)

  • Physics
  • Física
  • (FEE-see-kah)

  • History
  • Historia
  • (is-TOH-ree-ah)

  • Geography
  • Geografía
  • (heh-oh-grah-FEE-ah)

  • Language / Literature
  • Lengua / Literatura
  • (LEN-gwah / lee-teh-rah-TOO-rah)

  • Art
  • Arte
  • (AHr-teh)

  • Physical Education
  • Educación física
  • (eh-doo-kah-SYOHN FEE-see-kah)


  • Notebook
  • El cuaderno
  • (el kwah-DEHR-noh)

  • Pen
  • El bolígrafo / La pluma
  • (el boh-LEE-grah-foh / lah PLOO-mah)

  • Pencil
  • El lápiz
  • (el LAH-peez)

  • Paper
  • El papel
  • (el pah-PEL)

  • Eraser
  • La goma de borrar
  • (lah GOH-mah deh boh-RAHR)

  • Ruler
  • La regla
  • (lah REH-glah)

  • Scissors
  • Las tijeras
  • (lahs tee-HEH-rahs)

  • Calculator
  • La calculadora
  • (lah kahl-koo-LAH-doh-rah)

  • Glue
  • El pegamento
  • (el peh-gah-MEN-toh)

  • Folder
  • La carpeta
  • (lah kahr-PEH-tah)

Other related terms

  • Principal
  • El director / La directora
  • (el dee-rehk-TOHR / lah dee-rehk-TOH-rah)

  • Library
  • La biblioteca
  • (lah bee-bleeoh-TEH-kah)

  • Laboratory
  • El laboratorio
  • (el lah-boh-RAH-toh-ree-oh)

  • Club
  • El club
  • (el kloob)

  • Extracurricular activity
  • La actividad extracurricular
  • (lah ahk-tee-VEE-dahd ehks-trah-koo-REE-kyoo-lahr)

  • Counselor
  • El consejero / La consejera
  • (el kohn-seh-HEH-roh / lah kohn-seh-HEH-rah)

  • Graduation
  • La graduación
  • (lah grah-doo-ah-SYOHN)

  • Semester
  • El semestre
  • (el seh-MEHStreh)

  • Trimester
  • El trimestre
  • (el trees-MEHStreh)

To become fluent in Spanish, learning vocabulary related to school is essential. Follow the steps in this guide to become familiar with these words. Click the button below to access a complete list of School Vocabulary in Spanish with audio.

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