
Transport Vocabulary in Spanish

When traveling or living in a Spanish-speaking country, it is essential to be able to communicate about transportation. This class offers a step-by-step guide to help you learn essential Spanish vocabulary related to transport. By mastering these words and phrases, you will be able to easily navigate through different modes of transportation.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for transportation. This list will help you get started:

  • Transportation
  • El transporte
  • (el trahn-spor-TEH)

  • Car
  • El coche / El carro
  • (el KOH-cheh / el KAH-rroh)

  • Bicycle
  • La bicicleta
  • (lah bee-see-KLEH-tah)

  • Bus
  • El autobús
  • (el ow-toh-BOOS)

  • Train
  • El tren
  • (el tren)

  • Subway
  • El metro
  • (el MEH-troh)

  • Taxi
  • El taxi
  • (el TAHK-see)

  • Motorcycle
  • La motocicleta / La moto
  • (lah moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah / lah MOH-toh)

  • Boat
  • El barco
  • (el BAR-koh)

  • Airplane
  • El avión
  • (el ahb-ee-ON)

  • Tram
  • El tranvía
  • (el trahn-BEE-ah)

  • Truck
  • El camión
  • (el kahm-YOHN)

  • Stop (for bus, tram, or train)
  • La parada
  • (lah pah-RAH-dah)

  • Station
  • La estación
  • (lah ess-tah-see-ON)

  • Airport
  • El aeropuerto
  • (el ah-eh-roh-PU-ehr-toh)

  • Ticket
  • El billete / El boleto
  • (el bee-YEH-teh / el boh-LEH-toh)

  • Boarding pass
  • La tarjeta de embarque
  • (lah tar-HEY-tah deh em-bar-KEH)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your knowledge of transportation by familiarizing yourself with the terminology for various types of roads, traffic signs, and related terms. This will enable you to navigate and communicate more efficiently.


  • Highway
  • La autopista
  • (lah ow-toh-PEES-tah)

  • Road
  • La carretera
  • (lah kah-reh-TEH-rah)

  • Street
  • La calle
  • (lah KAH-yeh)

  • Path
  • El camino
  • (el kah-MEE-noh)

Traffic signs

  • Traffic sign
  • La señal de tráfico
  • (lah seh-NYAL deh TRAF-ee-koh)

  • Stop sign
  • La señal de stop
  • (lah seh-NYAL deh stohp)

  • Traffic light
  • El semáforo
  • (el seh-MAH-foh-roh)

  • No entry sign
  • La señal de dirección prohibida
  • (lah seh-NYAL deh dee-rehk-SYOHN proh-bee-dah)

  • Speed limit sign
  • La señal de límite de velocidad
  • (lah seh-NYAL deh LEE-mee-teh deh veh-loh-SEE-dad)

Other related terms

  • Driver
  • El conductor / La conductora
  • (el kohn-dooK-TOR / lah kohn-dook-TOH-rah)

  • Gas station
  • La gasolinera
  • (lah gah-soh-lee-NEH-rah)

  • Route
  • La ruta
  • (lah ROO-tah)

  • Map
  • El mapa
  • (el MAH-pah)

  • Suitcase
  • La maleta
  • (lah mah-LEH-tah)

One important aspect of achieving fluency in Spanish is to have a good grasp of transportation-related vocabulary. To help with this, you can access a complete list of transportation vocabulary in Spanish with audio by clicking the button below.

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