
Weather Vocabulary in Spanish

Building your language skills in Spanish includes learning vocabulary related to weather, which is essential for discussing climate, planning outdoor activities, and engaging in conversations about daily life. In this class, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to help you learn essential Spanish weather vocabulary.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for weather-related terms. This list will help you get started:

  • Weather
  • El tiempo
  • (el tee-em-poh)

  • Climate
  • El clima
  • (el clee-mah)

  • Sunny
  • Soleado / Asolado
  • (soh-leh-ah-doh / ah-soh-lah-doh)

  • Cloudy
  • Nublado
  • (noo-blah-doh)

  • Rainy
  • Lluvioso
  • (yoo-vee-oh-soh)

  • Windy
  • Ventoso
  • (ben-toh-soh)

  • Rain
  • La lluvia
  • (lah yoo-vee-ah)

  • Snow
  • La nieve
  • (lah nee-eh-veh)

  • Storm
  • La tormenta
  • (lah tohr-mehn-tah)

  • Wind
  • El viento
  • (el bee-ehn-toh)

  • Rainbow
  • El arco iris
  • (el ahr-koh ee-rees)

  • Temperature
  • La temperatura
  • (lah teh-mpeh-rah-too-rah)

  • Weather forecast
  • El pronóstico del tiempo
  • (el proh-nos-tee-koh del tee-em-poh)

  • Humidity
  • La humedad
  • (lah oo-meh-dahd)

  • Drought
  • La sequía
  • (lah seh-kee-ah)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your weather vocabulary by discovering words that pertain to seasons, natural disasters, and other related terms. This will enable you to have more interesting discussions about weather and climate.


  • Spring
  • La primavera
  • (lah pree-mah-VEH-rah)

  • Summer
  • El verano
  • (el veh-RAH-noh)

  • Fall/Autumn
  • El otoño
  • (el oh-TOH-nyoh)

  • Winter
  • El invierno
  • (el een-BYER-noh)

Natural disasters:

  • Earthquake
  • El terremoto
  • (el teh-reh-moh-toh)

  • Hurricane
  • El huracán
  • (el oo-rah-kahn)

  • Flood
  • La inundación
  • (lah ee-noon-dah-syohn)

  • Wildfire
  • El incendio forestal
  • (el een-sehn-dee-oh foh-reh-stahl)

Other related terms:

  • Hot
  • Caluroso
  • (kah-loo-roh-soh)

  • Cool
  • Fresco
  • (freh-skoh)

  • Cold
  • Frío
  • (free-oh)

  • Weather station
  • La estación meteorológica
  • (lah ehs-tah-see-ohn may-teh-oh-roh-loh-hee-kah)

Becoming fluent in Spanish requires learning weather-related vocabulary. This guide outlines steps to help you familiarize yourself with these words, practice them in context, and expand your vocabulary with related terms. To access a complete list of Spanish weather vocabulary, tap the button below.

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